Friday, September 18, 2009

NHL Preseason Fights Sep 18, 2009

Four fight yesterday in the NHL preseason. The first two the cameras got there late and the fights didn't last long. The last two were much better going for a good langth. Three of the fights are from Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens game from the Bell Centre in Montreal.

Andy Rogers vs Paul Bissonnette

This preseason fight Between Andy Rogers vs Paul Bissonnette from the Toronto Maple Leafs at Pittsburgh Penguins, did not last long. They were both on the ground the time the cameras got there.

Matt Carkner vs. Andrew Conboy

Commentated in a different language, this fight is between Matt Cranker and Andrew Conboy from the Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens.

Matt Carkner vs. Alex Henry

Another fight from Matt Cranker, this time vs. Alex Henry form the Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens game. Much better fight then the first game and Matt Cranker with the win.

Jeremy Yablonski vs. Eric Neilson

And the best fight of the day between Jeremy Yablonski and Eric Neilson, once again from the Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens game. Close fight but I would give Eric neilson the win.

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